Diary Challenge: 13th – 19th June 2011

Hi everyone. I’m still behind on the challenge for this week having managed only two so far – contemporary and fantasy, but I’m ready to catch up and I’m hoping to post what I’ve done. This week I’m having another break from the format with a different week long challenge I came up with myself.

Character tag

This week we’re writing another continuous story, but this time instead of jumping genres we’re jumping characters. On day one write something from a character’s POV in the first person. On day two switch to someone else the first character interacted with in their scene and give them their own first person scene, and so on. Hopefully you get the idea 🙂

Next week I’m hoping that there will be some more details for the upcoming, brand new camp NaNoWriMo, and maybe we can do some planning, but if not it might be something inspired by the great fire of London. Confused? You won’t be 🙂

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